all postcodes in CR5 / COULSDON

find any address or company within the CR5 postcode district

Postcode Area

CR / Croydon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CR5 2AA 8 0 51.322328 -0.14005
CR5 2AB 28 0 51.324121 -0.138599
CR5 2AD 17 0 51.326842 -0.137212
CR5 2AE 7 0 51.328466 -0.137562
CR5 2AF 15 0 51.329545 -0.137562
CR5 2AG 28 2 51.321002 -0.140936
CR5 2AH 12 0 51.325439 -0.138345
CR5 2AJ 9 0 51.323698 -0.139707
CR5 2AL 11 0 51.326971 -0.137982
CR5 2AN 20 1 51.329494 -0.138296
CR5 2AP 11 0 51.322288 -0.15699
CR5 2AS 18 0 51.329032 -0.136377
CR5 2AT 36 0 51.327118 -0.134789
CR5 2AU 38 0 51.328071 -0.134176
CR5 2AW 31 0 51.328386 -0.134781
CR5 2AX 12 0 51.326019 -0.13637
CR5 2AY 10 0 51.327041 -0.136185
CR5 2BA 62 1 51.325761 -0.132063
CR5 2BB 53 4 51.323378 -0.1354
CR5 2BD 16 0 51.325172 -0.134007